

My name is Sam Koekkoek, I am from Eugene, Oregon and I am embarking on an adventure! This is your chance, whoever you may be, to follow along as I build a tiny house on wheels. 

I decided to build a tiny house after I graduated from Northwest Christian University last May with my B.A. in Music and started researching grad schools/seminaries I might be interested in. I settled on a school in Los Angeles but as I was trying to find a place to live, I quickly became aware of how ridiculously expensive it was to be alive in Southern California. One night, while I was fretting over studio apartments on Craigslist, averaging around $1,000/month, I stumbled across a YouTube video about tiny houses and was so fascinated by the idea. I had heard about these alternative housing opportunities when I was in high school and I remember thinking it was very cool, but not something I would realistically be able to pull off. For some reason, I was able to look on it with new eyes this time around and long story short, I deferred my enrollment at this seminary to build my very own tiny house. So for the last several months, I’ve been researching and designing and researching and designing and researching and etc… 

But now, this week, I am going to pick up my trailer from Iron Eagle Trailers (a company that designs trailers specifically for tiny houses) in Portland to bring home and start my build. I am lucky enough to have tons of friends and family who are way more experienced than me at construction and related areas who are willing to help out where they can to see this project through. 

When I am finished, I plan on taking my house with me to a school in Seattle, a city that is typically more friendly to tiny houses than LA. 

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have! I am excited to educate others on the Tiny House Movement as I learn more as well. I want to live a more sustainable, environmentally-friendly lifestyle, and my tiny house is going to be central to that end. 

Expect more posts when I get my trailer and the build starts (and as the weather improves…)! 

And finally, I’m also going to try out using this space to write a little bit about theology and pop culture, two topics I am hugely passionate about. So, maybe you are only interested in reading about my house, maybe one or two of those topics, and maybe, JUST MAYBE you will be hardcore enough to be interested in all three! Either way, thank you for coming on this adventure with me, God bless!


Author: samkoekkoek23

My name is Sam. I am building a tiny house. I write about my house, theology and pop culture.

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